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Home / FOXY BLOG / How to SLAY Your Black Friday Shopping

How to SLAY Your Black Friday Shopping

November 14, 2022

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Our favorite time to shop is just around the corner and with so many deals and promotions to keep track of, it can get pretty stressful out there. To help you prepare for the busy Black Friday weekend ahead, we’ve gathered up some tips to help your shopping spree go smoothly. 



1. Study and Research 

Now we know this sounds like some assignment but trust us this will help you so much. Make sure you research a good majority of the places you want to purchase from. Retailers already have their promos out before the big day so there’s definitely more than enough time for you to create a list of your top picks with the best deals. Just an FYI but Foxybae’s Black Friday sale is live right now on our website! Researching beforehand will also help to keep you a little more organized when shopping so that you can avoid being blindsided by a ton of deals on the day of Black Friday. 



 2. Stick To A Budget 

If you’re a shopaholic like us, sticking to a budget is extremely difficult especially when there are a ton of amazing discounts. However, it does make you feel better after knowing that you didn’t just spend an entire paycheck. Since you’ll be doing your research beforehand, you’ll already have an idea of how much items will cost, and this will make it even easier to create a reasonable budget.  


Go to Bed Early 

If you want to be the first one in stores, I suggest you get a good night’s rest. We all want to stay up late eating more of that delicious Thanksgiving dinner, but don’t worry there will be more than enough waiting for you the next day. Think of it as a reward after a smooth and successful day of Black Friday shopping. Go to sleep early and hopefully you’ll wake up early enough to beat the traffic! 


Efficiency Is Key 

If you’re shopping in store, it’s inevitable that it will be busy and crowded which is why you will need to shop efficiently and hit all your fave stores in time! This is why research is crucial because once you look online and determine what items you want to try on or purchase, you can just walk into a store and grab exactly what you want with absolutely zero fuss. 



 5. Check Social Media 

Stay up to date with your favorite brands on social media because sometimes there’s extra offers and discounts! In addition, make sure you’re subscribed to a few email lists and SMS alerts for early access to amazing deals. You can sign up for ours over here- and you will be entered into our weekly giveaways!